PayPalTM overlay .09b for AkopiaTM (RedHatTM) Based on InterchangeTM 4.9.0 Stable

1) Set your variables in your administration section under the Administration tab Tables then (on the bottom) variable.

2) Enable the cart feature on PayPalTM with your "orders to" email.

3) Copy the files into the locations shown.

That's it! You will then have PayPalTM working!


File Names: flypage.html, results.html, customerservice.html, thankyou.html

File Names: random, upsell, promo



Need the files? Please "donate" only \$20 via PayPal and you will get the files I had to pay my programmer more to do. You will then be sent the files via email.

View a running sample of this PayPalTM Overlay.

Features you will loose! This is not a PayPalTM solution, this is an overlay that gets it to work. You will loose the capability for the shipping features, traffic features, order features, cart features and any other thing that's associated after pushing the add to cart button.

Features you will gain! PayPalTM!!! This is the solution if you want ONLY PayPalTM working. Though, you will gain Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express & Online check capabilities instantly. PayPalTM has it's own settings for shipping, quantity and other cart features to substitute some lost InterchangeTM features.

What does this do?

InterchangeTM variables are passed through to PayPalTM initiated by substituting the interchange buy button with PayPalTM's link.

Well, it basically substitutes the purchase button with PayPal'sTM shopping cart's button, this is very simple to do by gathering variables from Then replacing the buy buttons with the add to cart PayPalTM script with interchange variables. If you don't have the time, I suggest just grabbing these files and just copy them. Please contact me if you have any suggestions for future PayPalTM overlays.



There is no warranty given! Use this software at your own risk. Back Up Files On Live Server! Depending on your configuration, not all systems may be as flawless (though it works great on mine!). There is no support given. No refund on your transaction. Note: you are not purchasing the script, but reimbursement for labor. All is public domain. Please do not redistribute to others than close friends or family members. No posting of script without permission is allowed via electronically or otherwise.

